My name is Alfi Riyatna Hamidiyah. My nick name is Arin. My place of birth in Gresik. My date of birth 18 July 1996. My age 12 years old. My hobby is reading. My favourite food is fried chicken. My favourite drink is ice tea. My favourite color is blue.
My father's name is Mahrus. My mother's name is Yaumur roihah S.pd. My brother's name is Ahmad Syuyuth Herdeawan. My grandfather's name is H.Fadlan. My grandmother name is Hj Rohimah and Hj.Shohifatin. My mother is teacher in SMK Banyu urip Ujung Pangkah. My best friend is Evi Eryana Hapsari.
I live in Raci Tengah village. My home is two badroom, one bathroom, one livingroom, one kitchen. My home the position in RT.04 RW.01 Raci Tengah Sidayu Gresik.
you write plece actually place and you write color actually colour "OK"!
BalasHapusassalamualaikum wr. wb.
BalasHapusarin Ilike your blog. but in paragraph 2 your write "My grand father name is Hj. Rohimah and Hj. Shohifatin".Acctualy you write "My grand mother name is Hj. Rohimah and Hj. Shohifatin."
Arin I like your desine.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
your write color,my grand father's name Hj Rohimah and Hj shohifatin actually colour,My grandmother's name Hj Rohimah,and Hj Shohifatin.
BalasHapusHello arin........! your blog is good, i like your blog
BalasHapusAzkum ......
BalasHapusyour identity is good, because complete and coour is good.
Wzlam . . . .
BalasHapusYour blog and your writing is good. But in paragraph 3 you write "My home is two bedroom, one bathroom, one livingroom and one kitchen" Actually "in my home there are 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 livingroom, and 1 kitchen"
BalasHapusYour blogger is good but,your write My nick name is Arin,actually My nickname is Arin.
I am sorry ,as for combination there is the mistake.